
Global Press announces new two-year, full-time fellowships for women journalists around the world

Global Press announces new two-year, full-time fellowships for women journalists around the world. In addition to our signature reporter-in-residence opportunity, […]

Training course for journalists on the topic: "Adult education as a component of the development of a modern state"

We invite journalists from the Mykolayiv region to take part in a training course for journalists on the topic: "Adult […]

Polish radio station replaced journalists with AI hosts

In October, the Polish radio station "OFF Radio Krakow" fired its journalists and replaced them with AI-generated hosts, marking the […]

"Mykolaiv region. Culture during the war". Olena Puchynyan

In the program "Mykolaiv region. Culture during the war", Olena Puchynyan, the author of the project of the Museum of […]

The Mykolaiv Press Club website has launched

Dear friends and colleagues! We are pleased to present to you the website of the Mykolaiv press club https://pressclub.org.ua/, which […]
The site was created as part of the project "Strengthening media sustainability in Ukraine", which is implemented by the "Irondel" Foundation (Switzerland) and IRMI, the Institute of Regional Press and Information (Ukraine) and is financed by the "Swiss Solidarity" Foundation.