Polish radio station replaced journalists with AI hosts


In October, the Polish radio station "OFF Radio Krakow" fired its journalists and replaced them with AI-generated hosts, marking the first AI experiment among Polish media, according to "Associated Press".

Why did they replace the hosts with AI?
The station, based in Krakow, stated that the appointment of its three AI hosts aims to engage a younger audience by discussing topics such as culture, art, and social issues, including LGBTQ+ matters.

The station's director, Marcin Pulit, insisted that journalists were let go not because of AI but due to a significant decline in audience reach.

The station even aired an "interview" conducted by an AI host using the voice of Polish poet Wisława Szymborska, who passed away in 2012. The poet's foundation gave permission for her voice to be used in the program.

What do media professionals think?
Mateusz Demski, a journalist and film critic who recently hosted a show on OFF Radio Krakow, launched a petition protesting against the replacement of workers by AI.

"This is a dangerous precedent that affects us all," he wrote.

Demski believes this could lead to robots replacing experienced media professionals. As of October 23, more than 15,000 people had signed the petition.

Krzysztof Gawkowski, Poland’s Minister for Digital Technologies, responded to Demski’s concerns, stating that AI regulation requires legislation.

"While I support the development of AI, I believe that certain boundaries are being crossed more frequently. The widespread use of AI should be for the benefit of people, not against them," the minister said.

Author: Darja Svystuha

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