Training course for journalists on the topic: "Adult education as a component of the development of a modern state"


We invite journalists from the Mykolayiv region to take part in a training course for journalists on the topic: "Adult education as a component of the development of a modern state", which will be held on October 1-3 online on the Zoom platform.

Course organizers:

- Ukrainian Association of Adult Education

- DVV International: Ukraine

- Ivan Zyazyun Institute of Pedagogical and Adult Education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine

- The Ukrainian Institute for Advanced Training of Television, Radio Broadcasting and Press Workers

- NGO "Mykolaiv Press Club"

Registration via the link:

After completing the training course, registered participants will receive a certificate.

The course program consists of 3 webinars:

Webinar №1
Topic: "Adult education in the 21st century: from elitism to modern practices"

Larisa Lukyanova

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine

Date: 1st of October
Start: 10:00
Duration: 3 hours

Webinar №2

Topic: "The system of non-formal education in EU countries"

Oleg Smirnov, candidate of philological sciences, director of the DVV International:Ukraine

Date: 2nd of October
Start: 10:00
Duration: 1,5 hours

Webinar №3

Topic: "Peculiarities of media education of adults in the conditions of war based on the example of international experience and Ukraine"


Glib Golovchenko, Doctor of Sciences in Education, Director of the Ukrainian Institute for Advanced Training of Television, Radio Broadcasting and Press Workers, Honored Journalist of Ukraine, Secretary of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine

Date: 3th of October
Start: 10:00
Duration: 1,5 hours

Join our training course to dive deeper into the topic together and find the best solutions. Your questions and opinions will be very valuable to us. See you soon!

Сайт створений в рамках проєкту «Посилення стійкості медіа в Україні», який впроваджується Фундацією «Ірондель» (Швейцарія) та IRMI, Інститутом регіональної преси та інформації (Україна) та фінансується Фондом «Швейцарська солідарність» (Swiss Solidarity)»