In October, the Polish radio station "OFF Radio Krakow" fired its journalists and replaced them with AI-generated hosts, marking the first AI experiment among Polish media, according to "Associated Press".

Why did they replace the hosts with AI?
The station, based in Krakow, stated that the appointment of its three AI hosts aims to engage a younger audience by discussing topics such as culture, art, and social issues, including LGBTQ+ matters.

The station's director, Marcin Pulit, insisted that journalists were let go not because of AI but due to a significant decline in audience reach.

The station even aired an "interview" conducted by an AI host using the voice of Polish poet Wisława Szymborska, who passed away in 2012. The poet's foundation gave permission for her voice to be used in the program.

What do media professionals think?
Mateusz Demski, a journalist and film critic who recently hosted a show on OFF Radio Krakow, launched a petition protesting against the replacement of workers by AI.

"This is a dangerous precedent that affects us all," he wrote.

Demski believes this could lead to robots replacing experienced media professionals. As of October 23, more than 15,000 people had signed the petition.

Krzysztof Gawkowski, Poland’s Minister for Digital Technologies, responded to Demski’s concerns, stating that AI regulation requires legislation.

"While I support the development of AI, I believe that certain boundaries are being crossed more frequently. The widespread use of AI should be for the benefit of people, not against them," the minister said.

Author: Darja Svystuha

The information of Madiamaker

In the program "Mykolaiv region. Culture during the war", Olena Puchynyan, the author of the project of the Museum of Shipbuilding and Fleet "Rethinking the cultural and historical heritage of Mykolaiv region in the Cossack period: the traditions of Cossack shipbuilding and its influence on the development of the region in the 15-18 centuries" talked about the implementation of the project and new expositions in the museum

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Dear friends and colleagues!
We are pleased to present to you the website of the Mykolaiv press club, which was made possible thanks to the support of the Project "Strengthening media sustainability in Ukraine", which is implemented by the  Fondation Hirondelle (Switzerland) and IRMI, International Institute for Regional Media and Information, financed by the Swiss Solidarity.
The website of the Mykolaiv Press Club will become not only a platform where you can learn about the activities of our organization, but also a place where you will find a lot of useful information - from grant opportunities for the media, to training and fellowships for journalists and useful information for the work of media professionals.

Global Press announces new two-year, full-time fellowships for women journalists around the world.

In addition to our signature reporter-in-residence opportunity, we’re adding new topical reporting fellowships for local women journalists in the world’s most challenging places.

Global Press reporting fellows work in a global team to produce revelatory journalism and photojournalism, while also taking part in a robust learning program designed to ensure fellows are powerful contributors to the most pressing global conversations.

Details on the website Global Press

We invite journalists from the Mykolayiv region to take part in a training course for journalists on the topic: "Adult education as a component of the development of a modern state", which will be held on October 1-3 online on the Zoom platform.

Course organizers:

- Ukrainian Association of Adult Education

- DVV International: Ukraine

- Ivan Zyazyun Institute of Pedagogical and Adult Education of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine

- The Ukrainian Institute for Advanced Training of Television, Radio Broadcasting and Press Workers

- NGO "Mykolaiv Press Club"

Registration via the link:

After completing the training course, registered participants will receive a certificate.

The course program consists of 3 webinars:

Webinar №1
Topic: "Adult education in the 21st century: from elitism to modern practices"

Larisa Lukyanova

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine

Date: 1st of October
Start: 10:00
Duration: 3 hours

Webinar №2

Topic: "The system of non-formal education in EU countries"

Oleg Smirnov, candidate of philological sciences, director of the DVV International:Ukraine

Date: 2nd of October
Start: 10:00
Duration: 1,5 hours

Webinar №3

Topic: "Peculiarities of media education of adults in the conditions of war based on the example of international experience and Ukraine"


Glib Golovchenko, Doctor of Sciences in Education, Director of the Ukrainian Institute for Advanced Training of Television, Radio Broadcasting and Press Workers, Honored Journalist of Ukraine, Secretary of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine

Date: 3th of October
Start: 10:00
Duration: 1,5 hours

Join our training course to dive deeper into the topic together and find the best solutions. Your questions and opinions will be very valuable to us. See you soon!

In the "Open Studio" Natalya Moroz, the head of the sector for the protection of servicemen and their family members of the Mykolaiv Regional Military Administration, talked about the Veteran's Assistant Institute, the training and functions of veteran support specialists

In the program "Such a law", the head of the department of inspection activities in the Mykolaiv region of the Southern interregional department of the State Labor Service, Ms. Natalya Osadchenko, told about the work of the State Labor Service in the direction of advising employers and employees on the advantages of proper registration of labor relations and labor guarantees of employees, as well as information campaign "Come out into the light!"

The site was created as part of the project "Strengthening media sustainability in Ukraine", which is implemented by the "Irondel" Foundation (Switzerland) and IRMI, the Institute of Regional Press and Information (Ukraine) and is financed by the "Swiss Solidarity" Foundation.